Music: a cost-effective strategy for reducing burnout and improving mood states in care workers

At Attuned Health we know there are many benefits of participating in music. It can improve gross and fine motor skills, thinking and decision making, mental health and more. Importantly, when we make music with others our brains produce a cocktail of hormones and chemicals that help us feel part of a community, improve our mood and reduce our stress.

A randomized study examined the clinical and potential economic impact of care workers participating in 6 weekly group music sessions that primarily used drumming with keyboard accompaniment. They measured burnout and mood dimensions, and an independent consulting firm developed an economic impact model. 112 employees participated in the program that focused on building support, communication, and interdisciplinary respect

They found statistically-significant reductions in multiple burnout and mood dimensions and the economic-impact analysis projected cost savings of USD$89,100 (~$120,000 AUD) for a single typical 100-bed facility.

They projected the total savings to the long-term care industry USD$1.46 billion per year (nearly $2 billion AUD).

You too can realise these benefits!

Reach out to discuss group music therapy programs for your care workers or to develop a sustainable program and embed music into your care.


Music therapy in brain injury rehabilitation


Music Attuned Technology Care eHealth (MATCH): A music based mobile eHealth